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Yoni Egg Therapy and Female Geometry


The "Rezo de Shakti"  ("Shakti Prayer") is an energetic alignment system in which Tantra, Crystal Therapy and the ancestral wisdom of the Taoist jade egg are integrated with the objective of achieving a deep elevation and alchemy of feminine energy. Through 5 geometries, we will work to cleanse, awaken, activate, alchemize, align our energy channel and thus unify the feminine and masculine energy, the sacred marriage, which manifests the supreme gift of creation.




A system created by Sajeeva Hurtado that fuses the Ovarian Breath, Female Alchemy with Tantrism and the Taoist use of the jade egg. Creating a system of 36 different meditations, through which women and men can activate their sexual energy and learn to unravel subtle bodies to utilize their maximum human and divine potential.

You can book your first session online here. 

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